Thursday 31 July 2008

Togo Update

We have been in Togo now for 5 days, so i thought i would give you a wee update about what we have been doing.

All the computers are now up and running after we managed to get french keyboards for all of them. There have now been 3 days of computer classes for a wide range of
people from Children right up to older gentlemen. One thing in common is that they are all so keen to learn and often its a struggle to get them out for a lunch break or at night when we are trying to get packed up to go. What is wonderful is the absolute, pure willingness to learn new things. So Oliver and Pauline have been kept very busy.

The 2 of them actually left early this morning to travel far up north to visit some evangelists which Glenburn Methodist (Oilver's home church) have been sponsoring since our visit last year.

Meanwhile, Elizabeth and Glenn have been trying to gather information about the
work of Zita Atohoun's Nutrition Clinic, which was the main reason for our visit. They have been trying to gather information to bring to an official conference in Japan in September. I dont know all the details so i wont try to explain, but it has been keeping them very busy.Zita outside the clinic

Today we had a quick stop off at the beach which is very beautiful and very close to
our hotel...none of us braved going in but I did manage to get my feet wet!! Glenn, Elizabeth and Me

So ive now been in the Atlantic in 2 different African countries within a week!! (oh i was also approached by a young man who declared through Fidele that he was in love with me...hmm...yes!!!)

On the beach i saw one of the most awesome sand castles ive ever seen.

The sand castle in the shape of Africa

There was a young man who was more than happy to explain to us what it was. It was supposed
to represent Togo within Africa and it was decorated with shells to show the symbol of independence.

Togo and the symbol of independence

There was also a huge mound which we were told was a helicopter in memory of the men who had been killed in the helicopter crash in Sierra Leone. He was having to redo it and fix it up as someone had come along and ruined it last night - i guess there are mindless vandals everywhere!

The proud sculptor with his artwork


Unknown said...

Another great update.

It is amazing how far you have travelled and I still have not been more than 15 miles from the cottage in the last 5 weeks!

Back to Lisburn at the weekend.

Anonymous said...

Team Ireland a 2008 send their love and may God continue to guide your footsteps.

Team Ireland 2008