Thursday, 4 September 2008

The Last Supper!!

Well this is my last entry from the lake…wow!!

I will be leaving very soon for Kumasi where I will fly to Accra later this afternoon, and so my journey home begins!

It has been really tough saying goodbye to everyone whom I’ve come to think of as family. But I know that bond will never be broken as we will always be united through Christ no matter where we are.

One moment I want to tell you about for now. Last night Michael and James came over for their last visit along with their friend Eric who is visiting. James has been saying at dinner practically every night since Sunday that it was the last supper…and well tonight it really was. We shared in our last supper together, sharing in fellowship, laughs, memories and a few tears over Sprite and cookies. True communion with friends who are loved greatly and will be missed very much indeed.


Anonymous said...

I'll really miss these updates

Unknown said...

Me too :)

Have a safe journey home.