So how were my last few days at the lake?
Most of my time was spent trying to tie up loose ends regarding the construction project, trying to relax a little and spending time with friends. The team from Dunwoody UMC were here with us until Tuesday afternoon so there were literally hundreds of patients waiting all day Monday and Tuesday. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the compound so busy! So it was nice when peace and calm returned on Wednesday!
Rebecca and Lucas have been talking about the world in school so we had the globe in our house...i thought this was the perfect opportunity to get an intercontinental picture as there were 4 continents represented in the room at the time!!
Rebecca – North America, Me – Europe, Michael – Africa and Lucas – South America...what an international bunch we are!!
I also had lots of goodbyes to say and on Wednesday afternoon took the opportunity to say thank you and goodbye to all the construction workers – masons, labourers, plumbers and electricians – all of whom I have become very fond of, they are all awesome guys!! It was a common sight to see on of them hanging out a window or on top of a nearly finished wall shouting Abena, Abena Louise as I walked up and down the hill. Always trying to test my Twi which never quite lived up to the standards they thought I had reached!!!
On Wednesday I was treated to my final lunch by Michael (who had become a regular chef in our kitchen!) and Abena Rebecca. We sat down to a feast of Yam chips and peppe (?) one of my favourite dishes and of course Avacado which they seem to be able to eat at every meal...i don’t understand it myself!! ;o)
So that was my last day at the lake the end of a blessed time and I feel very privileged to have shared my summer with some very special people.
The Jernigan Family with their 3 mad interns.
Final moments in the house.
Today Rebecca and Michael came with me to Kumasi, i had never been to the market and well this was my last opportunity and it is huge!! There are little wooden stalls everywhere with narrow walkways between them. It was very crowded with many many people walking up and down often with 'Wide-loads' on their heads so we often had to duck to let them past!! It was pretty crazy with many interesting sights and smells but definitely had to be experienced before i left!!
Then it was to Pizza Inn for a farewell pizza before goodbyes at the airport!!
And finally never know where Tweety will turn up!!!
Tweety... He certainly gets around! :)
Tweety is all over the inside of my car! the floor mats, seat covers and steering wheel! Hence the reason why I named my car "Tweety".
Does "Abena" mean: Miss?
What part of Europe are you from? just curious!
come by and visit too if you like, I'd love to hear from you!
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