Monday, 23 June 2014

Another Big Adventure

This time next week I will be on my way to South Africa.  Another Big African Adventure which I am really looking forward to.  I am spending July and August there and so I thought I would pull out the blog once more to keep everyone updated with what I'm up to.

The opportunity came through the Methodist World Development and Relief Committee, of which I am a member, and which works very closely with Christian Aid.  I was offered the chance to go along as a representative of WDRC along with a couple of other denominational church leaders.  We will have the chance to visit some of the projects which Christian Aid support in South Africa, aome of which WDRF support.  This trip lasts for 10 days, so I figured if I'm going as far as South Africa I might as well make it worth while.  So i took the opportunity to make it a placement for my ministerial formation, so along with my tutor and the WDRC officer I put together a placement, which involves, helping at a youth residential run by the Vuleka Trust.  I will then spend some time at Phakamisa a ministry of the Pinetown Methodist Church.  Some details are still to be put in place which can be a little frustrating and stressful but TIA (that is Africa) something which I am going to have to get used to once more!!

So I am looking forward to this next adventure to another beautiful African country, but most of all I am excited to see what surprises God has up His sleeve this time, and what work he is doing in the people I will be visiting with.  So if you want to keep up to date with what I'm doing keep and eye out here and on Facebook and I will try to keep them updated with my big adventure.

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