Friday, 11 March 2011

But what do I need to do?

I'm trying to follow a devotional book throughout Lent to Easter Sunday, so any points that I find particularly thought provoking will most likely end up on here and will hopefully get you thinking too.....

Fasting in the Christian tradition is essentially about recognising that there's nothing we can do to improve ourselves...

In the end, Lent is about denying ourselves some of the essentials of everyday life in order to focus on the reality that we depend upon God for life itself...

If our Lenten fast is understood well, it will relieve us of the need to try harder, achieve more, feel more worthy.  It will ground us in the firm and unshakeable knowledge that we are human - we are but dust, and to dust we shall return - but that to be human is enough, under the loving gaze of God...

Maggi Dawn

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