Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Essentials of Christian Faith

In my random reading toady I came across the "Wesleyan Essentials of Christian Faith" which were adopted by the World Methodist Council in 1996, under discussion as to whether there was in fact an overriding Methodist Doctrine or Theology because John Wesley never actually produced an official set of doctrines.

Anyway...the one that really struck me was...

We serve the world in the name of God, believing that our commitment comes to life in our actions, through the power of the Holy Spirit.

It's so easy to fall back in to the way of thinking that everything we do is done in our strength, when really it's not!  We may be the hands and feet that give physical identity to what we do but then we have to sit back and let the Spirit work, for it is in that moment alone that the power of God is felt as he works 'supernaturally' through our 'natural' actions.

What a privilege to be that vessel.

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