Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Essentials of Christian Faith

In my random reading toady I came across the "Wesleyan Essentials of Christian Faith" which were adopted by the World Methodist Council in 1996, under discussion as to whether there was in fact an overriding Methodist Doctrine or Theology because John Wesley never actually produced an official set of doctrines.

Anyway...the one that really struck me was...

We serve the world in the name of God, believing that our commitment comes to life in our actions, through the power of the Holy Spirit.

It's so easy to fall back in to the way of thinking that everything we do is done in our strength, when really it's not!  We may be the hands and feet that give physical identity to what we do but then we have to sit back and let the Spirit work, for it is in that moment alone that the power of God is felt as he works 'supernaturally' through our 'natural' actions.

What a privilege to be that vessel.

Is it all in a name?

Paul never took a course in missions. He never sat in on a committee meeting. He never read a book on church growth. He was just inspired by the Holy Spirit and punch-drunk on the love that makes the impossible possible: salvation.

The message is gripping: Show a man his failures without Jesus and the result will be found in the roadside gutter. Give a man religion without reminding him of his filth, and the result will be arrogance in a three-piece suit. But get the two in the same heart-get sin to meet Saviour and Saviour to meet sin-and the result just mght be another Pharisee turned preacher who sets the world on fire.

(c) Max Lucado The Applause of Heaven

Saturday, 16 October 2010

The Summit

...What may happen in the next few minutes borders on the holy.

The quietness will slow my pulse, the silence will open my ears, and something sacred will happen.

The soft slap of sandaled feet will break the stillness, a pierced hand will extend a quiet invitation and I will follow.

I wish I could say it happens every night; it doesn't. Some nights he asks and I don't listen. Other nights he asks and I just don't go. But some nights I hear his poetic whisper, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened..." and I follow. I leave behind the budgets, bills and deadlines and walk the narrow trail up the mountain with him.

You've been there. You've escaped the sandy foundations of the vally and ascended his grand outcropping of granite. You've turned your back on the noise and sought his voice.. You've stepped away from the masses and followed the Master as he led you up the winding path to the summit.

His summit. Clean air. Clear view. Crisp breeze. The roar of the marketplace is down there, and the perspective of the peak is up here.

Gently your guide invites you to sit on the rock above the tree line and look out with him at the ancient peaks that will never arode. "What is necessary is still what is sure." he confides. "just remember:
You'll go nowhere tomorrow that I haven't already been.
Truth will still triumph.
Death will still die.
The victory is yours.
And delight in one decision away - seize it."

The sacred summit. A place of permanence in a world of transition.

Think about the people in your world. Can't you tell the ones who have been to his mountain? Oh, their problems aren't any different. And their challenges are just as severe. But there is a stubborn peace that enshrines them. A confidence that life isn't toppled by unmet budgets or rerouted airplanes. A serenity that softens the corners of their lips. A contagious delight sparkling in their eyes.

And in their hearts reigns a fortresslike confidence that the valley can be endured, even enjoyed, because the mountain is only a decision away.

(C) Max Lucado, The Applause of Heaven.

Saturday, 21 August 2010

Be still and.....wait!!!

This picture pretty much sums up today!!!

It seems that God has brought me back to Ghana to try and teach me the same thing all over again that he tried to teach me before....Be Still!

Today i learnt something new about James, he doesn't like having free time on his hands as he just doesn't know what to do with it...he always has to be doing something. So yes there has been a lot of sitting around today and sometimes we just have to wait. God's timing is always are His ways. But dont get me wrong its not like we did nothing!! We had a wee trip to the Accra Mall and once more i couldnt help but be astounded that somewhere like that exists in the middle of Accra!! It has always been a shock for me to walk back out into the heat and smells of Ghana having walked through the mall as it just seems so out of place.

I have to admit I was a little disappointed that we werent going to be staying in the Guest House that we usually stay in when in Accra (yes i like what i know) but it turns out that God was working out His perfect ways, as we truly believe we were guided to this Guest House so that we could meet another person who is staying here and has good contacts in and knowledge of the import/export business here in Ghana. So while we were sitting around today he was at work getting information and making contacts for us which may prove to be extremely useful in trying to have the container released.

So we may have another day of waiting ahead of us...but we will try to Be Still and Wait upon the Lord. As those who wait upon the Lord will be made strong.

Blessings :)

Back in Ghana and back in blogland

It is my intention over the next couple of weeks to attempt to break my blogging drought. I haven't really felt that i have had much of a helpful input to give so i have remained quiet.

But now im back in im back in Ghana. I can hardly believe it myself, but it feels good to be here and i have a feeling that another big adventure is about to unfurl itself.

So im looking forward to having something to say over the next while, to keep people at home updated but also when i see what God has been doing here over the past couple of years but also what He has in store for us in our adventures with the container and back at the Clinic at Lake Bosomtwe. So keep posted and i might even come up with the occasional pearl of wisdom...or even i might remain quiet enough for the first time in a while to hear one.

Blessings :)

Our early morning send off party from David's

Saturday, 3 April 2010

Good Friday Reflections

On friday evening the Seymour Street prayer room was opened for 24 hours of prayer by a time of prayer and praise led by SNASS. So I thought I would share here my reflection on Good Friday that I shared there having read John 19...

Why is Good Friday called Good Friday? I would be surprised if most people haven't thought about that at some stage or other.

There is no more humiliating death than crucifixion - hanging practically naked, stripped of all covering, stripped of all human dignity, strung up high against the skyline just outside the city walls, exposed for all to see.

It was a terrible death that was excruciatingly painful and long drawn out causing absolute agony before slowly suffocating.

Then Jesus died - releasing his spirit.

But what happened then?

There is a line in the song 'The Wonder of your Cross' by Robin Mark that says...

"Were heaven's praises silent in those hours of darkness?
Your Holy Spirit brooding round that empty throne?"

These lines catch me everytime I hear or sing that song...was there quiet in heaven, was there mourning after Christ had died and descended into hell or were they preparing for a celebration because as the song goes on to say...

"Until the declaration 'He is RIsen', You are Risen Jesus,
He is not dead, behold He lives for evermore."

And that is our hope, because of that painful and excruciating death that was experienced in our place we can know and have the peace of Christ, the peace that passes all understanding in the knowledge that we too will share in the celebrations in heaven as we receive eternal life.