Thursday, 6 August 2009

im truly back home...

I had quite a surreal moment this morning...

Tomorrow is Janet's wedding so I have been doing some last minute preparation type things. This morning that involved getting a spray fill in the white bits!!!...and a french manicure on my nails. As most of you will know i'm not exactly the girly girly type so this was an interesting experience. I quite enjoyed getting my nails done, it was very relaxing and i was nearly asleep, especially with the calming music in the back ground.

Then at one point it just hit me...hold on a minute...whats going on here??!!

This is such a complete and utter world away from where i was last week...and for the past month. Who would have even thought of getting a fake tan or getting their nails done in Eppawella?? There are so many different priorities in life! Like feeding your children, making sure they have clothes to wear and putting them through school. And yet this is the culture I live in where fake tans and getting your nails done is an ever day occurrence for some people, so its about finding your own priorities...what are the really important things. What are you going to spend your time doing and spend your money on buying?

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