Wednesday, 11 February 2009

What would you attempt if you knew you wouldn't fail??

I'm not quite sure what we were talking about or how this came up at SAP this week but someone mentioned that little phrase..."what would you attempt if you knew you wouldn't fail?"..It's so true that often we don't step out or attempt to do something because we are scared of our own failure.

There was one thing that came to my mind...which I am not going to reveal!!...and it's something that i've often thought, yeh i'd like to give it a go. So why haven't I? Am I scared what others will think, am i scared of rejection, scared i'll not be good enough, ultimately scared of failure?!!! Or maybe it's not something God has in my future, I guess it's something that needs a little more thought and prayer, all prompted by that little phrase.

For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:13

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