Thursday, 28 August 2008

And people say i'm irrational...

Ok, if you read this article people may understand my extremely rational fear of spiders!!!

They are nasty and horrible...I just hope that I don't bring any home in my luggage next week!!

It doesn't help that I had an 8 legged visitor in my room 2 nights ago...not only that, it was blocking the door so i had no escape route!! So i just had to 'RAID' it...only thing is i sprayed so much i nearly knocked myself out!!


Anonymous said...

Poor Girl a big spider was probably more scared when it seen you. We had a large one in the kitchen on FRIDAY night with very large long legs, it came out to keep you company, think of that.

Anonymous said...

And its all about me!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

I don't blame you! Nothing irrational about that at all.

Demara said...

aw, yes spiders? I guess God created them to keep some of us on our toes!

I was just in the "Facebook Blog Network" neighborhood, saw your e-door open and stopped by for a quick visit. Come by and visit too if you like-I'm all the way over in Canada. My e-door is always open!