Monday, 23 June 2008

House MD visits Lake Bosumtwe Methodist Clinic……

A lot has been happening since I last blogged almost a week ago.

Most of the day is spent in the office tying up loose ends, trying to get info or sending emails. While work is going on, on the building site – Michael is keeping the workers from all the villages busy. Over the past couple of days there has been the constant rumble of trucks bringing a variety of building materials such as cement, sand and stones.

This weekend has been pretty jam packed as well. We finally made it back to Ankaase on Friday night – it took us that long mainly due to climatic reasons – it rained most afternoons and early evenings which meant it would not be possible to take the electrical equipment and it would not have been pleasant to sit on the wet muddy ground. But when we arrived we received a warm welcome and again we played games with the kids while the equipment was set up. This time we had brought some sweets (or candy for my American friends!!) and this almost caused a riot amongst the children. The programme was pretty much the same…we sang, prayed and then the video was shown. It was basically the passion narrative – the last supper, Judas’ betrayal in the Garden of Gethsemane, the crucifixion and resurrection – and once more Michael translated into Twi. It was very powerful and the villagers all appeared to be transfixed by the drama and by the story told by Michael.

We had brought some literature to give out but it was limited, therefore when it was announced that we had books for the children they went crazy. Hollie, Rebecca and I were at the back of the truck trying to distribute the small books and we were literally surrounded by children and some adults were trying to get them. It was quite overwhelming to be in the middle of the crowd being pushed on from all sides and small hands reaching out trying to grab the books while we held them high out of their way. It’s really difficult to try and put into words the emotions that were going through my mind and my spirit at that moment. There was a deep compassion and longing to be able to provide for them all as we just didn’t have enough for everyone, yet there was also a conflicting feeling of anger because they couldn’t even give us the space to give the literature out. Difficult emotions to try and resolve together but then you have to consider how many books and opportunities children at home have and how much they generally don’t appreciate it.
Rebecca trying to distribute the childrens books

We also had some bibles to give out to the adults but we made the decision not to give them out that night as we knew the adults would end up being just as bad as the children and we didn’t want that. So we took a list of names of people who truly wanted a bible and we could distribute them at a later time. So it was nice when an older gentleman came to the compound on Saturday afternoon to speak to Michael because he had been so touched by the film and by the message which we brought to the village he also wanted to get a bible, so he was given one before he returned to Ankaase – so please pray for that man as he begins to read the word of God in his own language. Pray that the spirit would fill his life and help him to understand what he is reading. Also pray for the rest of the people young and old as they consider the message of hope and peace that we brought to them and for every book that was distributed that the young life reading it would be transformed by it.

On Saturday visitors arrived at the clinic in the form of the Buchele family. Steve and Suzanne and two of their children Fox and Anna. They are returning to America this week after having spent 2 years in Ghana. Anna was nice enough to have her 13th birthday coincide with their trip to the lake which meant we had to endure a trip to the Jernigan residence for cake, apple pie and ice cream – it would have been rude to turn down such an offer I guess!!!

Fox also had an interesting idea – he has a you tube channel which he makes spoof movies for. So he figured he couldn’t come to a clinic in Ghana without taking that opportunity to make a film. Clearly it had to be medical related – so he came up with House!! This meant that we also had to do some research which again meant enduring the soft comfy sofa, in the Jernigans air conditioned family room to watch dvd’s of house…it’s a tough life.

So much of today (Sunday) was spent on the film set(!!) acting out the script Fox had come up with overnight. Andrew had been tasked with giving out the roles and somehow I ended up as Chase – and yes for those of you out there who watch House that is a young Australian man. (one many of you will remember from ‘neighbours’ and played a certain Billy Kennedy – yes Claire and Karen I mean you!!!) Apparently it was because I have a different accent – which I am reminded of daily – yes I’m still getting those blank stares!! I may even share the link with y’all when it becomes available! The things you find to do in such a remote place.
House MD/Fox Buchele speaking to some of the cast!!

When filming was all wrapped up it was time for the Buchele’s to return to their hotel at the other side of the lake so this was an opportunity for another first.
My first experience of crossing the lake. As many will know im not overly fond of the whole boating/water thing so this was going to be interesting. I had no choice as I had to go across to the hotel to make reservations for the team so Rebecca came along for moral support as there was no way I was coming back on my own…even though Isaac the boat driver would be with me!! The trip across was fine and once more I was able to appreciate the beauty of where I have been living for the past couple of weeks only from a different angle. It’s difficult to explain but it was strange to think at one point that I was in the middle of the crater (trying not to think about just how much water was under the thin metal bottom of the boat!!) and seeing the rim rise all around us…astounding. So yeh the journey to the hotel was fine…on the way back it was all going fine…until…the engine started making some strange noises and the boat was slowing down then speeding up. We couldn’t quite work out if Isaac was just messing about but then the engine stalled…I couldn’t believe it. After all my worrying about the trip in the boat there I was sitting in the middle of the lake in the boat with a stalled engine. Rebecca was so funny, sitting in front of me telling me to close my eyes and just listen to the gentle lapping of the water on the side of the boat. There was no way in this world I was closing my eyes, I wanted to see everything that was happening. Thankfully, Isaac soon had the engine up and running (after a few failed attempts-I thought the oars were going to be coming out) and we were swiftly back to the waters edge and back on dry land which is most definitely what I was made for.
Lakeside at Amakom at sunset

Rebecca and I on the trip back

Rebecca and I set out on the short walk back to the clinic compound with the aid of a couple of small friends to carry our bag and the life jackets. When we reached the top of the hill we were met by a lady who wanted to talk. In conversation she began to tell us that she was sick and was asking us for money. This can feel like an awkward situation especially trying to explain when they don’t always understand English, that we aren’t able to give any money. So we offered the only thing we could – prayer…we prayed for her right there in the road…a powerful yet humbling experience.


Unknown said...

Looking forward to seeing your starring role.

Glad you survived the lake.

Helen shared her concern for your seats - glad they are comfy!

Anonymous said...

Hey Lou,
Sounds like you're having quite the adventure - when's Hollywood calling?!?!
Helen and I bought some Plantain in Tesco tonight to test it on our palate (think that's how you spell it!) Found a nice recipe for plantain chips - alothough we finished it off with camembert on crackers!
Talk to you soon,

Unknown said...

Hey Chase - was a pleasure filming you, and enjoying the laughs!

Looking forward to reading more of your adventures...

Steve Buchele

Fox Wesley Buchele said...

Hi everyone! Just in case anyone is wondering, my youtube site is

Once I get back to the states I'll spend a day or two patching up the video and adding music, and I'll post a link here once I'm done.



Anonymous said...

Hey all,

i am staying here at Lake Bosumtwi for almost one year. The Lake and its surrounding is amazing! I am lodging at Rainbow Garden Village Guesthouse. They are on a school project at Anyinatiase. So i am working hard to make the finishing of the school possible. More infos about the project can be found at or
